Thursday, January 6, 2011

PSA Script

  • By definition,a displaced person is one who has been driven from one’s homeland by war or internal upheaval.
  • In most situations, these people leave their country, and go to a neighboring one that might also be experiencing its own problems, similar to their native countries’ problems.
  • As the person attempts to acclimate to their new home, they most likely are doing more harm than good to both themselves, and their new home.
  • My name is Calaia Jackson, and for my Senior Capstone project, I plan to create a working business plan for a foundation that goes to help eradicate Human Displacement, as well as end the negative effects that are caused by the issue.

· With the introduction of tools and resources that foster independence, help these people adjust, the turnover rate for displaced people can be dramatically decreased.

· The “Replace the Displaced Center,” is my solution to the problems that displaced persons face upon emigrating to other countries.

· The center will offer a full range of services, as well as offer residential halls for refugees and DPs. The services that this center will offer consist of:

o Citizenship Classes

o ESL Classes

o Shelter Assistance

o Job Placement

o Nutrition Services

o Cultures Classes

o Indoor Clinic with services available for women and children

o Translation Services

o Child Care

· This center will be fully subsidized by the United States government

· While this center will not full eradicate the issue of Human Displacement, it will go to help end the cycle of forced migration, and the conflicts that arise from it.